Module Desugaring.Desugared_ast
type identifier
Variable of Ast.Ast_types.type_expr * Ast.Ast_types.Var_name.t * Ast.Ast_types.capability list * Ast.Ast_types.borrowed_ref option
ObjField of Ast.Ast_types.Class_name.t * Ast.Ast_types.Var_name.t * Ast.Ast_types.type_expr * Ast.Ast_types.Field_name.t * Ast.Ast_types.capability list * Ast.Ast_types.borrowed_ref option
class of the object, type of field
capabilities and modes are associated with this identifier
val string_of_id : identifier -> string
type obj_var_and_capabilities
= Ast.Ast_types.Var_name.t * Ast.Ast_types.Class_name.t * Ast.Ast_types.capability list
an object variable and associated types and capabilities
type expr
Integer of Ast.Ast_types.loc * int
no need for type_expr annotation as obviously TEInt
Boolean of Ast.Ast_types.loc * bool
no need for type_expr annotation as obviously TEBool
Identifier of Ast.Ast_types.loc * identifier
Type information associated with identifier
BlockExpr of Ast.Ast_types.loc * block_expr
used to interconvert with block expr
Constructor of Ast.Ast_types.loc * Ast.Ast_types.type_expr * Ast.Ast_types.Class_name.t * constructor_arg list
Let of Ast.Ast_types.loc * Ast.Ast_types.type_expr * Ast.Ast_types.Var_name.t * expr
Assign of Ast.Ast_types.loc * Ast.Ast_types.type_expr * identifier * expr
Consume of Ast.Ast_types.loc * identifier
Type is associated with the identifier
MethodApp of Ast.Ast_types.loc * Ast.Ast_types.type_expr * Ast.Ast_types.Var_name.t * Ast.Ast_types.capability list * Ast.Ast_types.Class_name.t * Ast.Ast_types.Method_name.t * expr list
we track the allowed capabilities of the variable calling the method
FunctionApp of Ast.Ast_types.loc * Ast.Ast_types.type_expr * Ast.Ast_types.Function_name.t * expr list
Printf of Ast.Ast_types.loc * string * expr list
no need for type_expr annotation as obviously TEVoid
FinishAsync of Ast.Ast_types.loc * Ast.Ast_types.type_expr * async_expr list * obj_var_and_capabilities list * block_expr
overall type is that of the expr on the current thread - since forked exprs' values are ignored.
obj_var_and_capabilities list
is a list of free object variables in the block expression and their associated types and capabilities|
If of Ast.Ast_types.loc * Ast.Ast_types.type_expr * expr * block_expr * block_expr
If ___ then ___ else ___ - type is that of the branch exprs
While of Ast.Ast_types.loc * expr * block_expr
While ___ do ___ ; - no need for type_expr annotation as type of a loop is TEVoid
BinOp of Ast.Ast_types.loc * Ast.Ast_types.type_expr * Ast.Ast_types.bin_op * expr * expr
UnOp of Ast.Ast_types.loc * Ast.Ast_types.type_expr * Ast.Ast_types.un_op * expr
and block_expr
Block of Ast.Ast_types.loc * Ast.Ast_types.type_expr * expr list
type is of the final expr in block
and constructor_arg
ConstructorArg of Ast.Ast_types.type_expr * Ast.Ast_types.Field_name.t * expr
Constructor arg consists of a field and the expression being assigned to it (annotated with the type of the expression)
and async_expr
AsyncExpr of obj_var_and_capabilities list * block_expr
Async exprs have a precomputed list of their free object variables and their associated classes and capabilities.
type function_defn
TFunction of Ast.Ast_types.Function_name.t * Ast.Ast_types.borrowed_ref option * Ast.Ast_types.type_expr * Ast.Ast_types.param list * block_expr
Function defn consists of the function name, return type (and whether it returns a borrowed ref), the list of params, and the body expr of the function
type method_defn
TMethod of Ast.Ast_types.Method_name.t * Ast.Ast_types.borrowed_ref option * Ast.Ast_types.type_expr * Ast.Ast_types.param list * Ast.Ast_types.capability list * block_expr
Method defn consists the method name, return type (and whether it returns a borrowed ref), the list of params, the capabilities used and the body expr of the function
type class_defn
TClass of Ast.Ast_types.Class_name.t * Ast.Ast_types.Class_name.t option * Ast.Ast_types.capability list * Ast.Ast_types.field_defn list * method_defn list
Class definitions consist of the class name and optionally if it inherits from another class, its capabilities and the fields and methods in the class
type program
Prog of class_defn list * function_defn list * block_expr
Each bolt program defines the classes,followed by functions, followed by the main expression block to execute.