Module Parsing.Parsed_ast
type identifier
Variable of Ast.Ast_types.Var_name.t
ObjField of Ast.Ast_types.Var_name.t * Ast.Ast_types.Field_name.t
type expr
Possible executable expressions - note we pass in the location of the start token to provide useful debugging information - which line + position the parsing errors occurred
and block_expr
Block of Ast.Ast_types.loc * expr list
and async_expr
AsyncExpr of block_expr
and constructor_arg
ConstructorArg of Ast.Ast_types.Field_name.t * expr
type function_defn
TFunction of Ast.Ast_types.Function_name.t * Ast.Ast_types.borrowed_ref option * Ast.Ast_types.type_expr * Ast.Ast_types.param list * block_expr
Function defn consists of the function name, return type (and whether it returns a borrowed ref), the list of params, and the body expr of the function
type method_defn
TMethod of Ast.Ast_types.Method_name.t * Ast.Ast_types.borrowed_ref option * Ast.Ast_types.type_expr * Ast.Ast_types.param list * Ast.Ast_types.Capability_name.t list * block_expr
Method defn consists the method name, return type (and whether it returns a borrowed ref), the list of params, the capabilities used and the body expr of the function
type class_defn
TClass of Ast.Ast_types.Class_name.t * Ast.Ast_types.generic_type option * Ast.Ast_types.Class_name.t option * Ast.Ast_types.capability list * Ast.Ast_types.field_defn list * method_defn list
Class definitions consist of the class name and optionally specifying if generic and if it inherits from another class, its capabilities and the fields and methods in the class
type program
Prog of class_defn list * function_defn list * block_expr
Each bolt program defines the classes,followed by functions, followed by the main expression block to execute.